Rally Class.

Start Date: March 2025 (TBD). Sign ups at 6:00pm for Skills Evaluation; class at 7:00pm.

First night of class, is on first come, first served basis.  Class is limited to 10 dogs.

An Obedience Skills Level Evaluation, on leash, will take place on the first night of class to determine appropriate class eligibility. Bring your dog, 6-foot leash, dog crate, chair, water and treats! (No dog crate = no class).

Cost: $160 for a 7-week course.

Pasanita Obedience Club is pleased to announce the start of a new 7-week Rally Novice Class designed for new and returning Rally students preparing for competition. Purebred dogs and mixed breeds, at least 12 months old, that have successfully completed a Basic Obedience Class or received a CGC Title within the last year are eligible.

In this new class, Rally Novice signs will be discussed in detail and taught in a competition ring format. A weekly study guide will be provided for study/practice at home, as well as handouts for AKC Rally information and a List of Resources for Rally signs phone apps, videos, and additional education information.  Rally can be a lot of fun, and that's the main goal for us teaching the class.  But it takes a lot of team work to be successful.

Basic Obedience required:

Loose-leash obedience heeling on the left

Sit on command

Down on command

Come when called

Sit-stay at the end of the leash

Equipment required:

Dog Crate for every class

6-foot leash

15-foot long line

Flat, chain or prong training collars acceptable. NO halters or harnesses.

Rabies Vaccinations are required for any dog over 4 months old.

Instructor:  Mary Kinsler, Terry Swanson and Doug Brehme.

For inquiries, please email us here.

For AKC Rally Information: https://www.akc.org/sports/rally

Download the application here and bring it with you to the first class: